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Want to learn about pole bending?

 The pole bending pattern is to be run around six poles. Each pole is to be 21 feet (6.4 meters) apart, and the first poleis to be 21 feet (6.4 meters) from the starting line. Poles shall be set on top of the ground, six feet (1.8 meters) in height, with no base more than 14 inches (35 cm) in diameter.


Pole bending is a timed event.


(a) Each contestant will begin from a running start, and time shall begin and end as the horse’s nose crosses the line. A clearly visible starting line must be provided. An electric timer or at least two watches shall be used, with the time indicated by the electric timer or the average time of the watches used by official timers to be the official time.


(b) The pole bending pattern is to be run around six poles. Each pole is to be 21 feet (6.4 meters) apart, and the first pole is to be 21 feet (6.4 meters) from the starting line. Poles shall be set on top of the ground, six feet (1.8 meters) in height, with no base more than 14 inches (35 cm) in diameter.


(c) A horse may start either to the right or to the left of the first pole and then run the remainder of the pattern accordingly.


(d) Knocking over a pole shall be recorded as a "NO TIME".   Failure to follow the course shall cause disqualification. A contestant may touch a pole with his or her hand in pole bending.  However, if the course has been altered from the original pattern it will also constitute a NO-TIME.


(e) In the event of a tie, the horse declared the winner in the runoff must rerun the pattern within two seconds of its original time or the runoff must be held again. Penalty time will not apply to the two-second rule, but will apply to the final runoff time.


(f) The judge, at his/her discretion, may disqualify a contestant for excessive use of a bat, crop, whip or rope in front of the cinch.


(g) Poles shall be shall be set on top of the ground, 6 feet in height, and mounted in bases with a 14 inch diameter.  Poles shall be PVC pipe, and bases shall be rubber or plastic. For added safety, PVC caps are recommended.  Preferred color for poles is natural white, but red, white, and blue rings shall be allowed.  Solid rubber bases are preferred, but hollow plastic bases shall be allowed only if filled completely to emulate a solid base.

(h) To illustrate, here is an example of a system that would comply with the preceding specification:  Poles cut to 6 foot lengths from schedule 40 PVC, with glued-on rounded caps, mounted in hard rubber Josey bases.




(i) Nosebands, bonnets, tie-downs are permitted however, these items cannot have any bare metal in contact with the horse's head, regardless if they are covered.  Any chain, wire, metal tie-down or wire-bonnets are PROHIBITED! 



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